The MBA application process is a journey and a daunting one at that. I was from an overly represented background and was not well versed in the application process of a US business school. More than a consultant Amrit is your friend, always looking out for the best for you and he made my journey easy and enjoyable as well. He was suggested to me by one of Kellogg admits from my company who herself sought Amrit after rejection in R1. I conversed with a number of top admission consultants in India and the US, and all tried to fit my story in their own cookie-cutter mold. But with Amrit, he wanted to bring out what was unique about my story.
Amrit started with understanding my career to date and analyzed critically my career goals to understand how an MBA would suit them. One of his top qualities is his ability to see right through the admission committee’s thought process and his phenomenal understanding of what different schools are looking for in potential admits. He has brilliant essay samples for all the business schools which helps you get started and provides you a flavor for what top schools are looking for. During the entire admission process, he molds your answers in every section into a format that best represents the story that you want to portray to the admission committee.
One of the best things with Amrit is he reads and provides feedback for all the material you send himself; I had many friends who hired other admission consultants and only for the final few edits they got to interact with their consultants. Amrit promised me initially to provide edits in one day a majority of the time, and he never he wavered from his commitment even at the peak of the application period. I remember he stayed awake for many nights but provided all the applicants with timely feedback. He reviews every line of the drafts you send and provides detailed line-by-line insights on what is working and what needs to be improved. He is always available even to solve small details in the application, I even called him for help for filling the awards section
I would highly recommend all the applicants is to hire Amrit as a consultant and rest assured you would get in one of the top schools!!